This document describes the current stable version of Celery (3.1). For development docs, go here.
Utility functions.
Return kombu.Queue that is a direct route to a worker by hostname.
Parameters: | hostname – The fully qualified node name of a worker (e.g. If passed a kombu.Queue instance it will simply return that instead. |
Decorator for deprecated functions.
A deprecation warning will be emitted when the function is called.
Parameters: |
In place left precedent dictionary merge.
Keeps values from L, if the value in R is None.
Return stacktrace of all active threads, taken from
Re-raise if an exception is currently being handled, or return otherwise.
Convert common terms for true/false to bool (true/false/yes/no/on/off/1/0).
Transforms object making it suitable for json serialization
Generate task name from name/module pair.
Property descriptor that caches the return value of the get function.
def connection(self):
return Connection()
@connection.setter # Prepares stored value
def connection(self, value):
if value is None:
raise TypeError('Connection must be a connection')
return value
def connection(self, value):
# Additional action to do at del(self.attr)
if value is not None:
print('Connection {0!r} deleted'.format(value)